Wednesday 17 July 2013


EDITED AGAIN: DATE OF THIS WORK: 29th June 2022: THIS IS FACT, NOT FICTION; People, if you wish to find more work from here, click onto "View my complete profile" please.
Edited version: 14th June 2021: And again: Edited 13th February 2022:  Edited for more truth and any mistakes corrected:
UPDATES: Improved versions of these documents may be sent in future. always check the date near the top of each document, and use the later date.
NEVER TEST ANYTHING ON ANIMALS: BE KIND TO THEM, INSTEAD. ANIMALS THAT ARE ILL MAY BE OFFERED OUR MEDICINES, AT ANY TIME, yet not forced on, nor seiged into eating or drinking a very poor diet, nor a diet with manure in it, etc. The animals never volunteer to be treated cruelly. Test our medicines, if you wish, on human adult volunteers who have given permission. You will find our dilutions and ingredients are non-toxic, unless overdosed on: please follow the rates to Administer, for safety. MOST OF OUR DOCUMENTS HAVE RECIPES ON THEM THAT ARE UNTESTED, because it's new and we don't know many sick people, and our cures are all harmless. However, I'm assured that we have a 60% cured success rate. If someone finds success, a cure, using our documents, of course, read the fine print at the end of this document, and then decide for yourself if you wish to photocopy them and post them to others, or to email them to others, following our rules. You may even plant a large patch of herbs, and sell them to others; or co-operate with others to organise such things, yet, TEST them first. Due to prophesies: there is getting an urgent need for people to get their herbs and foods planted, for more than just one reason. Please do not delay. Please start by planting fruit trees: saplings, now, are best, even in New Zealand and Australia, all around Europe, USA and Canada, other places too. Mostly in New Zealand, it's about price rises at the supermarkets. MAKE THIS RECIPE SOON, PLEASE, AND KEEP SOME FOR THE FUTURE USES. I do NOT claim to be perfect, and I do NOT say “my way is the only way”. Mediums, too, are imperfect and inadvertant errors may creep into the work, un-noticed. Any mistakes found will be corrected.
WE cannot claim this recipe will cure people or animals, because of New Zealand Law.
We are not registered Doctors or Medical Practitioners. If symptoms persist, see a Doctor please.


PATRON SAINT: Saint Michael.
HELPERS: Saint Trish, especially on the healing matters.
AND OTHERS: The Deputies of God. Working for the Forces of Good.
Lo! he is 1 man


The cover includes 2 lines of type that I was guided by Holy Spirit to put there, as there are a few people who would ruin this work if they felt they could while being those condoning and putting into action, dishonest uses of the healing documents, so as to make money. I have been told those ones will not look further than page 1, if the words are there. The word “ecnatneper” means the same thing as spelt forward: “repentance”.
This information belongs the most, where it is most needed to prevent life on Earth suffering, and to cure Earthlife the most. All Earthlife is suffering, at this time, from weakness, sickness and sorrow. Please, especially politicians: quit the competitiveness, the political bickering, the disrespects of religious bickerings, (especially about: who is best?), and the personality quarrels; and instead of arguing, do your best to help Life on Earth survive, nicely, and promptly.
Please hear myself out: this is personal at first, then we move onto the problems of Joseph Prince, then explain more about what I saw.
It has been one year, one month and three days since my twin sister died. She was a lovely lady, a good wife and mother, had a successful marriage for 25 years before she passed away, and had been a good Pentecostal Christian lady for around 26 years. She repented and became a Christian those 27 years ago from around now. All of her family knew: she nearly had a potentially fatal car-crash and called out: “GOD help me”, just as the car crashed, the car was ruined, the emergency services were called and her car was a crumpled up mess. They managed to cut her out from the car, and she said: “I have seen the light, Allelujah”: she was almost completely unhurt, people were amazed since she had 3 little scratches. In that instant, she decided she would look around the Churches, to find the right one. She repented, she started to go to a Church, a Pentecostal one. And within a month or two, she met the man she would marry. The timing was perfect: as though: “repent and meet your future husband”.
However, after around 23 years later, my elder sister said to myself: “I have some bad news. Your sister has a life-threatening illness, and we don't know what it is”. Almost instantly, as most would think, I thought: “it's awful, is it cancer?”. Later I met my sister, and was told: “yes, it's cancer”. As time went on, my sister's health at times was miraculously good with clear cancer-tests, then it would happen again, a relapse. She was living at another city, but my brother decided he would pay my telephone calls to her, saying: “I will pay ALL of the phone bill, just telephone her anytime, even every day”. That meant a huge difference to myself, as otherwise I could not afford the calls. 
Sometimes I would go to her place, to visit. She always, as usual, made myself welcome and if there was a spare bed, she would welcome myself to stay for as long as I liked. When I was visiting her and her husband, she often was watching tv, Christian tv, and often, tuned into: Joseph Prince. At first, I thought he was “very passionate, isn't he?”. She said Joseph Prince's show was her favourite. Every time that show was on, she was sitting there as though fascinated, smiled and said “Isn't he wonderful?”. He was seen by myself, joseph prince on the tv, as also asking for money, donations, “for my ministry” is what he said.
Again, patience, please people: I will explain about some of my visions, of the sort I began to have, two of them, about Joseph Prince.
If I “see” someone's soulspirit, it is always different than their physical face. Some people, that I already knew as so good, had lovely or very handsome faces, when I “saw” their spirit or soulspirit, even a friend of mine I thought was so suddenly so very, very handsome, and later called him that, and he said “I find that hard to believe” and then, later, saw him again as not so handsome, and was told spiritually: the handsome one was a vision of his soulspirit, you didn't realise you were looking at his soul. And when you saw him as not so handsome, that was only his physical looks.
Others, so ugly, due to their wickednesses. Even if their physical looks so beautiful, the soulspirit tells the TRUTH. One night I “saw” the most ugly soulspirit I ever saw, and I shrank back in horror, but knew I would not be hurt. If a soul is ugly or distorted, especially if dark-looking, it's bad news: its' evil; YET if the soul is lovely “clothed like the lillies of the field”: so beautiful, those ones can go to Heaven. If a person is “seen” with a black area or dark area around their bodies: I've been told, as I have seen a very few like that: that one is practicing the occult nonsense, the black is hatred and this has NOTHING to do with skin colour. We are to avoid those ones, they predate. The ones we can "see" with dark brown around them, are rude perverts whom enjoy that rubbish. Walk away and try another subject, and do NOT let them engage you in any conversation, at all, not even to give them the time. Keep walking, do NOT turn back.
Now, I have REAL problem about Joseph Prince. The second time I saw him on TV, with my sister sitting watching, I saw that again, after wondering if he was another of the “send your millions now [because I want to build a mansion]” type with no Charity at all. I wondered a little, then decided to go to sit near my sister, whose condition was deteriorating, little by little, day by day. Then, I was appalled by what I saw of joseph prince's spirit. First, I saw one of his fingers: it was thin, it was wrinkled, and looked almost dark red in colour and so ugly. Second, I thought he was wearing a wig. The next time he was “on”, he appeared as normally most would see his physical. I asked God and my Guides, “what is this? What do those problems of Joseph Prince, really mean?” (Because a lie will show as one distortion or ugliness, a cunningness would show as a different type of ugliness, again).
I was NOT impressed with joseph prince due to of his crimes and sins: because the soulspirit's looks proved him a spiritual criminal: “that distorted finger of his means: he is cheating about money, he has his finger in other people's wallets, he askes for money, and then he goes out and gambles the money away, and has luxuries, and more luxuries planned for himself, but he is using the donations he has been asking for, from Christians to “give to the Ministry”. Some of it goes on his own tv show, and he is not right to be on TV, at all. The “wig” is due to his disguising where the money goes.
AND the real problem I have about Joseph Prince is: he was preaching any teaching, allowing any sin, and my sister watched him and remembered him saying, preaching: “If you are sick, all you have to do is repeat and BELIEVE: “By the stripes of Jesus Christ, I am healed”. Repeat it, he said, in all your hours, your days, fill your mind with that, and when you finally really and truly believe that: THEN you are healed. From that time on, for months and months and months, my sister dying of cancer, repeated it, thought it, said it, over and over. And she got sicker and sicker and sicker, every day. After she started that, she had no remissions at all. She wanted to be healed so to stay with her husband and children. On and on, that phrase. She was told via tv and prince, to focus ONLY ON THAT.
So if I telephoned her and started to talk about anything at all, the reply was: “I must focus on this, I must believe, “by the stripes of Jesus, I am healed” and I MUST say this, and think this, all the time”. At one time, she broke into tears because it was making matters worse and she tried to believe it was the only way to be healed. It was such sorrow: BECAUSE IT WAS NOT WORKING AND IT WAS MAKING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE WORSE. She died some months later, in a hospice.
She had such attention and focus on what Joseph Prince said, she tried so hard, and what prince did to my sister, with his fake teachings that do NOT work: made her final years on Earth, like a nightmare, not only to my sister, but to myself and others whom loved our girl.
What really DID help, though, was at the hospital, her husband started to say as he reached out for her: “I rebuke the pain, get out of her, right now, I rebuke the pain and not the patient”. She was often in pain, but GOD and her husband did help, and that was done over and over, even for hours daily toward the end of her life. Prayer did help, but by the time she was in the hospice, I was in such sorrow: prince, why didn't you just tell the truth that you are guessing your so-called teachings of lies mixed in with truths from the bible; prince, if it were not for YOU, this sister would at least have had some PEACE OF MIND while resting on her bed, innocently thinking her LOVE to her family, instead of what you demanded: and she would NOT have been so tormented by the lack of peace she had, due to that repetitive thought you said was the only way. I was told, spiritually, that prince had an excuse, all pre-planned: “If this does not work, it means you are sinner and that's all”. How cruel of prince. 
My sister had been repentant for 26 years at least: and you call her a sinner for dying, while you walked around in front of cameras and stealing your followers donations money by telling lies about what it really is: theft. You are a fraud, prince.
Prince, why did you blame your victims, calling them sinners if they were not healed? Do realise, people, as in the Bible: some people have undeserved suffering and are NOT guilty, NOT sinners. And that later, even after 'death' those with undeserved suffering are compensated, spiritually, and forgiven.
I do NOT know how many good Christians watch that show, and practice what that man prince says, and how many of them die with wasted months or years of repeating that phrase. Instead, she could have been resting on her bed or chair, a lot, quietly talking and praying with her loved ones. She would, if not for prince, have been talking without crying if someone changed the subject away from what prince told her, via the tv. She could have worked on some peace of mind instead. She was already living her faith in The Lord Jesus Christ, forever: and was totally devoted to HIM, first, and to her family and church family. I have just a couple of minutes ago "heard" a "voice": “[joseph prince:] let he whom is without sin, cast the first stone”. Did you read that, prince, since you blamed the sick if they did what you said and did not recover? Why did you not give them time to think over their love to others, to pray and to be more soothed over that way?
The final time I stayed at her home, she insisted I do no work, and was to treat it like a holiday. Around 4pm I went to the hall near the bedroom where I was to sleep, and saw my sister dragging a large cosy chair, along the hall, to the side of my bed. She said: “that's for you to sit on, if you like”, and we are talking here of a lady with real cancer advancing, I could see the effort, and nearly cried with joy; she cares, she really does care. She's trying her utmost to be a good person, no matter what. Prince, you sin horribly. My sister is now dead and you would claim some sort of horrible excuse to cover up your own sins of theft, fraud and more, and if you read this, you would find another unreasonable excuse you planned. I'm not saying my sister was perfect, yet I am saying: she was NOT a sinner, because she was REPENTANT and kept that. She turned on the tv to watch a Christian show and it looks like she and others have become tv-addicts, whom feel they MUST watch joseph prince. Actually, that act of putting a cosy chair next to my bed, was a huge effort, done in compassion, in love, in kindness. She is NOT a sinner. IN this case of the cosy chair, she put myself first, not herself. That says a lot for her character. That was not the only time she was well and truly putting others first, even at a healing meeting when the Pastor said "put up your hand in you need healing" and she pulled out a pen, wrote MY name on it, and put her hand up for the pastor to read: in fact, she really needed the healing for herself. No person can call her a sinner and deserving of death and still be truthful.
AND THERE'S ANOTHER PROBLEM: Negative Audio subliminals: This explains the subliminals and do realise, people, that Joseph Prince is using negative audio subliminals, to force people to be like an addict about turning on the tv and watching his shows. The human ear is not capable of hearing, audibly, all of the frequencies that it receives. If you doubt this, telephone an Audiologist (ear specialist), for proof. Under a certain frequency-rate, scientifically, and the ear does not turn any such messages into something we can consciously HEAR. And if the frequency-rate is too high, scientifically, again, the human ear is not capable of audibly hearing any such message that may be, or may not be, entering the ear.
There is a specific “silent message” on one or more of these inaudible frequencies or even “wave-lengths”, if its' a negative audio subliminal. The problem is those “silent messages” are being, these days, corrupted often, with “messages” that people say “you cannot hear”: YET: These silent messages, are real messages from tape decks at the radio or tv station, overlaid onto other frequencies at the same time as any radio or tv broadcast that someone pays to have secretly broadcast, I have seen one of those, it looks like a tape cassette deck, playing silently while the radio station is broadcasting, and that use one of those inaudible frequencies; and it goes STRAIGHT INTO THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND, the subconscious mind “hears” it, accepts it no matter what, and when the “trigger” is found, the message happens into the conscious mind, yet, as ordered on these negative audio subliminals, must sound like our OWN CONSCIOUS THOUGHTS. It comes to the surface from the subconscious mind to the conscious. 
And prince has included in his negative subliminal forces that we only hear subconsciously, at first: the compliments he wants such as "isn't prince wonderful"? and more, much more.
As far as I know, the so-called “star” Elvis Presley was one of the first to use a subliminal message to make his audience think, say and do whatever the tape said. The Beatles, the Rolling Stones and others, have been all doing that, too, right up to this present day. The messages subliminally are about "buy my concert tickets", "buy my music" "call me a hero" and so forth, mostly about money yet with no morals, and people seem to follow those things regardless. The "Hollies" rock and roll group did own up, saying on the radio that "yes we use those negative subliminals to make money, that's all". And then worse: "all of us (rock and roll groups) do that".
So when I, and hundreds of other shoppers, picked up a “trigger” after hearing the subliminal, noticed at the supermarket, the “trigger” to see and notice the coffee, and when I thought: “no, really, I don't drink coffee”, my mind went on and on, becoming more and more demanding in tone, unlike myself at all due to an unfamiliar DEMANDING thought just saying: “I want coffee” and I thought, this is NOT my Will. Yet a minute or two later, I had bought a packet of coffee, thinking: “I suppose its' ok”.
I already had some ideas about negative subliminals, a long time ago listening to the pop group “The Hollies”, in a radio interview. And found later, after hearing that interview about subliminals the group were saying: “oh, we all do that, we just tell people they have to buy our music, and they do". I dismissed it awhile, thinking it was probably just some sort of joke, or I just didn't understand it, or that they were only drunk, I that subliminals were impossible. Yet, days later, I was near a music store, and felt like I had little choice, but to buy the album, and bought it. This is an example of how negative subliminals work. Later, I kept throwing out all of my pop albums, several times, and finally, realised I'd better get to Church about this, instead of facing it on my own: oncoming madness, every time I tried to quit on all of that rubbish, it was not heavy metal or similar, it was pop music and I did NOT know I had a negative subliminals addicting myself to buying rock and roll or pop music. God did help, immensely, I'm not a rock and roll addict anymore and have not been an addict since around 2006. Also I found at a pharmacy or a natural health shop, Bach Flower Remedy Rescue Remedy and that helps remove 'links of the past', the ingredient in this case was 'walnut'.
(I now apologise for a mistake of mine, the group being interviewed was "The Hollies", yet one of them did say: "we all do that, even the Electric Light Orchestra".
I asked or prayed about Joseph Prince: has he really got negative subliminals being broadcast, to force people to turn on his show on tv? Yes, the answer was yes. Joseph prince: THAT IS UNFAIR, UNASKED FOR, AND JUST WRONG of you, Prince. All too often, the negative subliminals are “tailor made” and involve unscrupulous moneymongers with no faith, no religion, no spirituality, and sorry, but most of them are negative, evil occultists. They sneak in with their messages to anyone, overlaid onto radio or tv signals, it's a horrible demanding force and is unfair, since those ones hardly ever tell the audience or viewers what they are doing, it really IS an advertising trade, hollywood, tv stations secret, since they want popularity (for money for their drugs, mansions, bunkers and tunnels etc.) and don't want to be known for this sin of theirs, secret forces, in case they become unpopular.
And the Christian shows, normally, are lovely because they are more honest and better and do not use such things as subliminals. It IS done with technology. I do not know how they make the tapes and so forth, yet I did visit a radio station for some time, and did see one at work, later someone tried to kill myself and I'm uncertain if it was because I noticed the tape deck, and found out later what it was, and the dj asked what I would do if it was bad about that tape deck behind her, and I said: "I'll tell someone about this" and then 2 attempts on my life happened. And due to the grace of God, I survived even though having to be in hospital for some time.
So, if people really want to turn on his show, every time, and then decides not to, they might feel some sort of “pull” or “demand” back to watch him again, and if the subliminals also include such as: “or you will go mad” (tv shows do that these days, to those whom won't turn the tv back on, those whom decide to quit tv since it's rubbish), or “or you will go to hell”, well of course the subliminal message would be that the viewers really MUST watch, since the mind is averse, repelled, from any mention of, and believed to these subconcious messages: “hell if you don't watch joseph prince” or other such messages. And it is SO SAD. Yet there IS a way out of this trap: it's speaking in tongues. And it's PRAYER for sanity, especially groups of people and Pastors praying in Churches, and Bach Flower Remedies and I assume, homeopathy. Choose a Church that accepts Spiritual Gifts and has people speaking in tonuges, such as the Pentecostals.
Something else to make clear: some of the TV Pastors, Ministers, Priests, Choirs and so forth of the Christians: are GOOD. Are Spiritually INSPIRED. And the honest ones do NOT use negative subliminals, at all, since they are being honest and would not accept forcing people into a Church etc.. Because those negative subliminals are just unfair, dishonest, and worse: prince wasted my sister's time and effort for so long, when she would have been quietly talking with her family, her friends, her children, her husband, and her Church friends. She was so brave and so courageous, but prince got in the way and ruined all that time, it turned her mind into something that was really NOT at all PEACEFUL. Others, such as her Pastor and then a newer Church congregation with nice people, friends, and really supportive of her, would not DARE be so wrong as prince.
She was known for being a giver, she was a HEALER: And healed 14 people in her time, with the power of God and in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ. She smiled a lot, she gave a lot. She did the right thing, always trying to be repentant FOREVER, and FOREVER devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ. She told people the truth: "I'm a 24 hour a day Christian". I'm not saying she was perfect: yet so few are perfect, and even with our human faults and failings and mistakes, we are not necessarily sinners, regardless. If we pray to be strong in our repentance, that can work so well, and from that time on, are not sinners, we are repentant, and can say: "I repented, permanently" even "I repented, permanently, in the Name of the Lord God". We still, being humans, can make mistakes, yet, we become more forgiving and can even forgive ourselves. And if we sin, we can repent again and make amends, and be still totally 100% responsible for ourselves and in our FAITH to the Lord God and to the Lord Jesus Christ, to ask HIM to help pick up ourselves and set ourselves back on our feet.
After her body-physical dies and her spirit went toward Heaven: I 'saw' my sister's soulspirit: and while she was physically beautiful to behold for years and years while living on Earth, her beauty in the Afterlife has increased and is so wonderfully lovely, we have no problems, she's gone to Heaven. Her soulspirit that I have seen in visions, several times is: WONDERFULLY BEAUTIFUL. And anyones soul always is 'seen' spiritually, show the truth. A person whom is spiritually ugly, can repent, can make amends, and can become beautiful.
Prince says it's ok to sin. The Lord Jesus Christ often said: “do NOT sin” or “go, and sin no more”. Its' obvious to believe what the Lord Jesus Christ says, instead of prince, and also, some called “liberal christians” whom believe it's ok to sin because they say: “we are forgiven”. What they forget is: there's places in the Afterlife that are unhappy, full of sorrow, barren, and like jail, no blessings at all. If it were ok to sin, and that we are all forgiven, why would hell be there at all, as part of the Afterlife, not an earthly thing?
Joseph Prince, I do not hate you. I get so sad when I think of what you did to my sister, dying of cancer while you wasted all that time as she wept, and wept, and wept as the pain increased, as the symptoms and signs got worse, and you mucked up there: this is here, now because: I've got a feeling about this: there's other people, watching your shows, sending you money just because your subliminals ordered the viewers, subconsciously, to watch you, to listen to you, and to go to hell if you don't watch that show, and donate all the money they have, even in their Last Will. IS THAT FAIR?
I'm not angry, I'm sad. It would have meant a lot to telephone my sister often, and talk and pray quietly, but what I got was tears and she desperately tried so hard to believe if she didn't think as you said she should, she was sinning. I nearly cried too. She was NOT SINNING. She was repentant and did her utmost for over 25 years to devote herself utterly to the Path of Righteousness, with the idea that she would also live her life, all of it, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, forever; DEVOTED TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. She worked so hard in the family home, she was mostly a wonderful mother to her children, she volunteered time to the local school, she went to the pubs or bars with tracts of information to repent the drunken ones, she worked so hard.
Joseph Prince, what have you done to my sister, and what have you done to all those other viewers whom sit there gazing with fascination at your show? Negative subliminals are causing that. And the subliminals are bullying people.
Prince, repent, please, please, please, repent, if you do not, you are leading more and more people wrongly, and that is so unfortunate. I get upset about you, and so sad, so unhappy about what you said, knowing you are stealing money from the donations sent, for your own uses. You want your mansion: but in the Afterlife, do you think you deserve so many blessings after stealing from your “Ministry?”. I'm not judging you, I'm telling you: cancel your shows, cancel your theft and stop talking to others about the Bible. WE here, do NOT trust you. Do you think after all those crimes against people, that you will go to a mansion in the afterlife? Do you deserve that? I think my sister does deserve that mansion.
I am now getting a vision, and I believe it is interpreted as: joseph prince, you are a drug addict, I “see” around you, dirty grey slimey stuff with black flecks: that's drug abuse showing. At the same time, it looks very much like in the Afterlife, you will NOT like what you find, it looks like a jail. Do NOT wait around to repent, just repent right now please. The sooner you reimburse your viewers, the better, it could count for you. If you have lost track of viewers giving the money, gather it up and give it to a decent Charity, not your own.
There are wonderful people in the Christian Churches. And I have some final advice, to anyone reading this: about those subliminals: God has found a way to break the negative subliminals and to remove the “triggers”. Its' wonderful, its' happening in the Pentecostal Church: speaking in tongues does cleanse nicely, the subconscious too: so good. So I didn't go mad when I permanently threw out all of my rock and roll recordings and stopped watching tv.
Another thing that can help is the herb licorice. Even the lolly or candy of licorice, is good for this. A small amount daily for some weeks, should help. If the subliminal says you will go mad if you give this prince thing up, etc., then: buy some camomile tea, camomile herb is one of God's creations for the purpose of soothing and curing insomnia: the first symptom of subliminal withdrawal is unable to sleep, tossing and turning on and on all night, all day, all night, and being exhausted and desperate, most would go to a hospital, and would not find much help. Some cups of camomile or chamomile has been tried by a good Christian friend, with the licorice, and it worked, he did NOT have to go to hospital. Yet do NOT drink anything around 20 minutes onward before bed, or your body won't sleep.
I do think the first warning sign of a fake christian show is: the feeling that one MUST turn it on, MUST see this, MUST. It's more than that though, its' demanding, insisting. And the mention money so much, putting money ahead of God. Most Christian Pastors etc. would be very against such things: because it's tied up with the occult, with cults, with hidden technological forces, and it MUST STOP. I'm now told: this is the tip of an iceberg.
Another real problem person, now deceased, was benjamin creme, fake and drug-addict-liar. He was caught doing camera tricks to so-called prove himself as a great person to follow, yet, throw out his work please.
And it is a fact: most of the TV Pastors, Ministers and all, are good and the congregations and Churches are full of good, honest, sincere, and kind people.
When The Lord Jesus Christ Returns, he will PROVE whom HE is, no doubt, so we have no worries about such things as joseph prince anymore. 2,000 years approximately ago, The Lord Jesus Christ gave spiritual Gifts, one of them speaking in tongues, so regardless, it is a GIFT, not a sin to talk in tongues, not a sin to heal with the hands and discern spirits and so forth. A pastor on the radio called it: "these days now are the times of the 2nd Pentecost", appears very true.
And now, on 13th February 2022, a spirit has spoken, rightly: "People, turn away from Joseph Prince". Turn to God in prayer, into action, and do the right thing.
Deathbed repentance does not work after a wicked life, if it did, then there would be no hell nor hades for the wicked, so many, I am told, do plan deathbed repentance to go to Heaven but if they are wicked, they go to those not very nice places, even if they plan to repent. If a person is bad, they NEED to repent and like The Lord Jesus Christ said to some people: "repent and make amends".
I do suppose that when The Lord Jesus Christ returns and has proven whom HE really is, HE will talk in God's Name, about modern technology and subliminals. And that HIS teachings are paramount, always HIS Will supercedes all other's on Earth's Will.
THE ©CELESTIAL KOSMIC AGE TRUST (Yet to be registered): This in 2010A.D.
AND ©THE AQUARIUS HEALTH TRUST (New Zealand Government Regd. Charity No.357559:
CONTACT DETAILS OF THE CO-ORDINATOR: Jessica Peaches (pseudonym)
I have now moved home, too.
The Rainbow is, to ourselves, nothing to do with homosexuality. It is more to do with the Biblical “Noah and the Flood” when those on the Ark saw a real-life rainbow that meant the flood had ended, and saw a symbol of the Holy Spirit, a Dove with a branch or twig in it's beak, to mean that since the twig was there, that it meant there was land ahead. Even since then, the olive-branch has also symbolised friendship: the SYMBOLIC handing over of an olive-branch means: friendship, even an end to quarrels, this agreement is done by hand-shakes. Homosexuals use black in their rainbow, yet not every time.
The recipients may IMPROVE our documents, IF it is truly an improvement, especially, those in contact with their Heavenly Angels and Spiritual Supervisors, making corrections and improvements. The greatest of all Spiritual Supervisors is; THE LORD GOD. THE RULER OF THIS PLANET EARTH, IS THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
WHAT ARE PARENTS TO DO IF THEY SUDDENLY REALISE THERE'S A WAR ON TV, OR ON THE NEWS: AND THE CHILDREN OR TEENS ARE WATCHING AND LISTENING TO IT? It's an adult problem and is NOT for the young folk to see and hear. Nicely, tell them to do some study in a quiet room or bedroom, to read some books instead, some academic books from school or in some way, academic. If they are very young, give them picture-books to read (NOT comics). If you want some quiet time, its nonsense to get them to watch tv: turn it off for more peace and quiet, and let them read books instead, this will help their grades and marks and makes the brain function better. Since negative subliminals are now used to force bad effects if we turn off the tv, try some Bach Flower Remedies Walnut type, to get rid of the addiction, any addiction is cureable with that. They are very much NOT insane nor mentally sick, regardless of what doctors say. Do NOT let your doctor prescribe your children Ritalin, it's a horribly addictive drug and ruins the brain chemistry, ruins the child's life. If they are unhappy, look no further for the reason than the bush jnr/hussein war, plus environmental toxins and pollutions. See a good Wholistic or Holistic practitioners with any worries your child may have. Computer games will not help.
WHY THE LIMP WRIST IS GUILT-FREE: Some foolish woman made up a lie that to have a limp wrist, or even the body, meant the person is homosexual, yet, she lied, do NOT believe her. The main reason why a person's hand is limp is: the person does NOT want to live. That is cured by: think of a good reason to live: then, the hand will go back to a normal position. I feel it's to do with also, the blood pressure dropping. This does NOT mean the person is suicidal. It can also mean heart problems.
DISCLAIMER: We will not be held responsible for abuses, misuses or mistakes and human error to do with our work. OUR INTENTIONS ARE BENEVOLENT, ALL THE TIME, therefore, this Disclaimer is valid, being true.
MICROCHIPS, TRACKERS, IMPLANTS, LOCATORS, AND OTHER SUCH THINGS: Those things give agony upon being put in, and cannot be removed without a surgeon at work, even then, it's agony, and should never be done. After some time, the technology will suffer an overload and the information will be scrambled or lost, or both. And, also, most people or animals and life-forms that are putting them in pain by implants, means: infections. So we pay for the microchips, pay for the pain, and will often need a doctor for the cures for the infections. There is a Biblical warning that asks ALL people, all life: do NOT accept the mark of the beast. It looks like these microchips are part of that problem. IF people are told they MUST go to the Police Station to receive (and pay for) the implants,we know that we must ask the Government for PROOF that it's law that we MUST accept that horror. The proof is the signed Lawbook, with the Government's Common Seal (a rubber stamp), AND the signature of the Prime Minister on it: THEN it's Law, not before. And fefuse the microchip for the animals, and yourselves, and just say: NO. If enough people refuse the microchips, and refuse to pay up, and are into peaceful action such as emailing politicians, and referendums, and peaceful marching, it's possible the Government and Police will back down. There is NO proof about the law, even for microchipping of dogs. And at a certain amount of microchips globally, again we say: it will stop working propoerly. EAR INFECTIONS CAN CAUSE DEAFNESS, IF LEFT UNTREATED. Sisters, brothers, and others: PLEASE DON'T PAY OR ALLOW FOR YOUR LITTLE BABY TO BE PUT INTO AGONY VIA IMPLANTS BEING PUT ONTO THE BABY. The Chaperone/babysitter ideas are best, very much so, and other security precautions as you know already, are fine.
WITHOUT ANY FAMILY MEMBER BEING CONTACTED FOR MORE THAN ONE MONTH, OR THAT THE HOME IS BURNT DOWN, or THE COMPUTER'S CONTENTS THIEVED, THERE MUST BE A POLICE INVESTIGATION, SINCE OUR WORK HERE IS ALSO HARMLESSLY AGAINST THE ROYALS, THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND'S BOSSES, THE NEWSPAPERS/MEDIA AND PRINTING TRADE, AND VERY MUCH AGAINST NASTY GANGS and DRUG-DEALERS, and ANYONE IMMORAL, POLITICIANS OR ANYONE AT ALL BEING IMMORAL; AND AGAINST THE POP AND ROCK AND ROLL STARS AND BANDS IDEAS,IF THE TYPESETTER OR CO-ORDINATOR SHOULD BE FOUND DEAD, OR TO GO MISSING since they are deceitful and some of them are openly sacreligious: using good symbols and words, sacred ones, yet used wrongly, irreligiously and in any foul and non-sacred manner, at all. Even if some harm comes to the Trustees and Members, as above, those wishing to harm ourselves will find that our documents and backup disks are stored in various other places with various other people, this as a safekeeping measure. This does include if any Trust member of the Aquarius Health Trust appears to have suicided, the gangs have wicked ways of making a murder look just like suicide. In these days, if anything goes terribly wrong about ourselves here, the motive is probably found in the above typesetting. WE have disks and backups at other places, too. WE are not rich in money.
DO NOT SHARE BAD NEWS WITH ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 21 YEARS plus 3 weeks: They don't have the coping skills, and can do little, so if they ask: “has there been another tragedy ?”, say: “Please, we will talk about this when you are 21 years plus 3 weeks, and let ourselves now talk about something thats' nice”. Do NOT frighten children, and the tv, radio, newspapers, moviemakers etc., are doing exactly that: cancel your subscriptions please. If there must be frightening news, the media should play that at 10.30pm or later, and only so others can help, even with donations to a Charity: in wartimes, the Red Cross, the Red Crescent (the Muslim equivalent of the Red Cross), and a few others are best. In January 2010 it's a truth that the Red Cross and the Red Crescent are uniting to help more people, regardless of religion, race and so forth.
America, we do hope, will become an even greater than usual nation, in future, with ALL NATIONS GETTING FIRST EQUAL PRIZE AT BEING GREAT in MORALS, FIRST EQUAL: and when a nation reaches a point of great morality, soon, there comes: monetary prosperity, some time later. However: when a person is born into great wealth, and cunningness, greed, lust and corruptions ensues, to gain more for the self, THEY LOSE THE ABILITY TO GO TO HEAVEN in the Afterlife; they may later realise that when they try to claim (conquer) the world, for their own selfish ends, then they lose the capacity for their soulspirits in the Afterlife, to go to Heaven. And that is that. That's a re-working of vocabulary, from earlier versions of the Holy Bible, to modern-day language. We point out that often, before the monetary prosperity of a nation becomes apparent, and sometimes for very long times, the goodnesses and morality of the people start either at home with moral and lovely parents, who know right from wrong and teach by word and by example, how to go about morality and righteousness, diligence and work-ethics, that also, the education system must not be overliberal, it must be based on sound and good morality in ALL of the subjects. Mostly, those things are in all religions: if its not moral, it's not a religion. After years of a good moral upbringing, and sound education of purity and beauty, of talents bought to the fore, and much more goodnesses, including very well-behaved teachers who instil a love of LEARNING in the children, and do NOT take nonsense from anyone, nor corruption seen but not reprimanded, so that by the time the child is a teen, well-trained too in their future working skills: the youth will be much better, and en mass, the whole of the nation's skills rise in quality, work ethics being not lazy, not too harsh, and decent wages, salaries and profits from decent working days, and good behaviour rewarded in bonuses, the businesses thrive as a joyful workforce works very hard due to that same feeling of being appreciated, worthy and worthwhile; the businesses then earn more to pay more taxes to the Government; the people with decent wages spend some money that goes to someone else: another business or shop, money to a landlord, and other spending that means more income to the Government via taxes, more profit for the shops and landlords, who then pay more tax, thats' what is called “the economy going round”, and is OFTEN very prosperous. Why are the world's finances crashing? The main reason is that people, and politicians, failed to see that the nuclear bomb and other weapons of mass destruction: are totally, completely evil AND therefore, totally immoral: those bombs were used, with worse and underhand tactics to have one terrible result after the other, while deceiving the public about the truth of what the result was, the same result from the tactic of dropping conventional bombs on nuclear installations: that's why the world's poverty is increasing: caused by a poverty of morals, overall the whole world is affected, especially since some people did really believe that “this must be done, it's ok in a way, not the bush families' fault, someone else started this, it was all the “enemy's fault”: it's a lie. It should never, never come down to “blaming the other guy, he started it, it's ALL his fault”. First of all, that attitude does not belong, because it abdicates a person of responsibility and blame by shifting it to others, and truly, both sides of any sin, are responsible for their own sins. Responsible. Perhaps the people of America feel or sense blame on themselves for voting in the bush family, at all: however, many are forgiven that, simply because the bush family have for a long time practiced satanism, they hide it, they have deceived and deceived, big lies, white supremacy with racism, and used negative subliminals to force people to “like them” and “a must to vote for President bush” (even before he took office). However: the mass-mind is not often fully deceived, and when the horrors of bushes psychopathic actions became apparent, many people decided “something must happen, we cannot trust the bushes and the clintons”. One of the deciding factors to the 2008 voting was that bush was obviously a petty, tyrannical dictator, and he found it difficult to convince others that we was not, since all that evidence was in the media, the Net, the newspapers, and on and on. Do NOT blame “the Americans” and “the Muslims” like that, since that's predjudice by racism and religion, and is NOT to be acted upon, it denies there are good and bad people in both groups. Most of the voting public of the U.S.A. Did NOT know what bush jnr and his nasties were going to do, and most of the voters were NOT to blame, and did NOT want that war, at all: because bush used negative subliminals. And, it's never true that “all Muslims wanted the war”, no, most of them wanted PEACE ON EARTH ON ALLAH'S TERMS, GOD'S TERMS, same thing. The Bahai Faith people are brilliant at writing and organising how people's needs and Peace on Earth can happen, listen to them please.
Mr Obama is good, regardless that he cannot do 1,000 jobs in one day, so do not expect him to be perfect (nor myself, nor any Medium, nor others, we don't know it all).
SUBLIMINALS: Those people who think subliminals are impossible, and those who want to find proof of it's possibility, research please, the human ear and the Scientific Hertz rates (frequencies) that the human ear can hear and those other frequencies that are not “audible” to the human ear, yet are there, entering the ear. Try on the net, or enquire of a modern audiologist or Hearing Association. They don't know how forced subliminals work, yet, they do acknowledge there is more about the human ear that we know we cannot hear audibly, yet, is still there: a “mystery”. Do the eyes somehow receive frequencies? OF COURSE THEY DO. Is the sense of smell part of all this? OF COURSE. The sense of touch or feeling? Yes, that too. It would depend on the frequency-rate and the capacity of the body to receive and interpret these things. Surely, our senses betray us: people think we are just physical, since the senses seem to be saying precisely that: yet, there are matters of the Soulspirit that many can see and that most cannot, yet they are realities. about other dimensions. There are other realities and other dimensions that most people would not even think could possibly exist. One of those dimensions is HEAVEN, that it seems ALL Christians learn about.
PEOPLE, PLEASE QUIT FRIGHTENING LITTLE CHILDREN AND OTHERS, STOP MAKING ANXIOUS, YOUR LITTLE ONES. Even if something like that (wars, epidemics, lust, loose talk, immorality, weather tragedies) is on the radio, the babies still sense something is wrong, even just one broacast about a car accident. Do not give them everything, yet do give them what they need, some wants and wishes too. We oppose rock and roll for what it's doing to the masses, and we oppose anything immoral or corrupt in God's Sight, HE does Guide people right. Never feel too much of a sinner to help others: repent, and go ahead: the Heavenly Angels rejoice, and others in Heaven also, when a person repents, and starts to attempt to do God's Will: just pray to the God of your Understanding that you may do his Will; later, you will smile and KNOW that your future is better when you make other peoples' future better. If a baby smiles, if a person smiles at another, even those who we pass by while walking to the shops, even those we don't know: thats' a better future made. And, again about children and babies, especially: The Lord Jesus Christ never smacked or hurt children: the “chastising rod” that HE talked with, was HIS use of WORDS to repent others. That did not mean there was no “chastising” or “reprimanding”, it meant that sort of DISCIPLINE of the mouth is again, HIS example as the BEST EXAMPLE. Therefore, people, stop calling smacking and violent acts against your children, anything more than what it is: violence, and sometimes, abuses of children's bodies and rights. Childishness is not condoned, yet, child-like delight, for anyone, is beautiful: e.g. A smile from a baby can delight the heart of those who are wise, so as to make others' lives more cheerful. The more joyfulness a person or animal feels, the more joyfulness is added to this world: keep this innocent. Joyfulness is better than happiness, because joyfulness is more intense, more and better joyfulness in the innocent things, are therefore always encouraged here. So, cause others real joyfulness and good things, and the “harvest” will be so nice: “ye reap as ye sow”. Quit child abuse, and please don't call hitting a child “an act of Love”; no, we wish all people to follow the example of The Lord Jesus Christ, HE never smacked or hit anyone, never a child either: and if a child is misbehaving, reprimand them verbally, use discipline that way instead. Later, they will be joyful. Most people who are adults and emotionally depressed are the same ones that a parent abused, the child grew up unhappy, with the habit of unhappiness plus bad memories, and sometimes something quite minor will cause a very exaggerated anger or sorrow, the real cause is in childhood. Forgive your parents, please, and those who abused you with hitting, smacking and so forth. BE fair, be forthright, be fun and be fine with your children.
COPYRIGHT: No copyright on these documents, unless they are being abused or misused, or for the wrong intentions. This is the explanation of how use the copyright marks. The right intentions are honest, benevolent to Life on Earth, sincerely helpful, and for fundraising for charities that are honest and helpful, genuinely. If scammers or other dishonest people use this or abuse this information, we will be requesting them much money in cash, or take them to court.

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